Picture Books and Young Fiction
Ursula Jones is the author of young fiction & award winning picture books such as The Witch's Children and The Princess who has no Kingdom.

Rediscover the magic of Cinderella and enter a world of enchantment and romance with this exquisite picture book retelling.

The Princess who had no Kingdom
This beautiful princess doesn't have
a kingdom but she does have a pony called Pretty, a cart and a red umbrella.

The Princess who had no Fortune
Discover the story of a princess like
no other: the princess who had no fortune.
About Ursula

When I was little, I wanted to be an actress. I still wanted to be one when I grew up, so I became one!
Having trained at RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) I worked in what was called ‘weekly rep’. The actors put on a play every week, performing one at night and rehearsing the next one during the day. It’s hard work. I shed kilos. Then I took a banana boat to Jamaica where I helped research a frog that hatches baby frogs and not tadpoles. I moved on to New York where I did some exciting, experimental theatre. Back in England, I was lucky enough to join the Unicorn Theatre for Children in London.
It was there that I discovered I wanted to be a writer, too. And so that’s what I did. I wrote lots of plays for the company, and I haven’t stopped writing for children since. Read more

A magical, updated retelling of the classic fairy tale by award-winning author Ursula Jones, brought to life with glorious illustrations by Paola Escobar. A must-have for any child's library.